Fundraise Your Way

Welcome to Shine’s Create-Your-Own Fundraising space - your resource helping make your experiences and passions shine while giving back to others! 

Become a DreamRaiser to help make Shine Dreams a reality for young people living with severe physical disabilities across Canada.

This do-it-yourself fundraising space provides you with the necessary tools and ability to invite your neighbours, friends, family and co-workers to join your fundraiser, send e-mails to potential donors and track donations. Please note that this website isn't designed to sell tickets or register event attendees, but we can set that up for you! (Contact events@shinefoundation.ca)

Steps to create a fundraiser for Shine


Select a fundraiser type


Create or join an event or fundraiser


Personalize your event or personal page


Share with your family, friends and co-workers


Collect donations


Help change lives